• MON-WED 3-8pm, THU-FRI 3-9pm, SAT 12-9pm, SUN 12-8pm

Joe Johnson

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From his earliest days lying on the floor under his mother’s piano as she rehearsed songs for Sunday morning, Joe Johnson has demonstrated a lifelong love and connection to music. To say he is a Country or Blues or Americana artist would greatly depend on the song you are listening to because Joe is purely a Songwriter; he just writes songs. And when it comes to writing songs, Joe possesses a unique talent for striking at the heart of the listener with deeply personal lyrics and storytelling while hitting the rest of the body with a mix of Texas shuffles, Country and Blues that is imbedded in his southern Mississippi roots, and the sounds of Pop, Rock, and Soul music he grew up influenced by. Few artists can captivate a fancy theater one night and backwoods roadhouse the next, but Joe Johnson has again and again for over two decades.


  • Date: Saturday, November 9
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Event Categories: