• MON 3-8pm, TUE-THU 3-9pm, FRI 3-10pm, SAT 12-10pm, SUN 12-8pm

Upcoming Events

The Boulder Swing Collective

640 675 City Star Brewing

Swing music has taken over my life in the past few years! While my professional musical life has a good amount of swing in it, I still want more. In the past three years, I’ve helped cultivate a pretty happening little swing scene here in Boulder. It started for me by teaming up with Kyle Ussery, with whom I started a weekly swing night at the No Name Bar on the Hill in Boulder. From there, we met some some young cats who are like-minded about swing. We play the old-time stuff, which I consider separate from jazz.  Together we call ourselves the Boulder Swing Collective.

Jeremy Mohney Trio

Jeremy Mohney Swing Trio

640 675 City Star Brewing

Jeremy Mohney is swing, simply put. Nearly 90 years late to the game, he’s still swinging hard for dancers with his band, sax, singing voice and original compositions that all sound straight out of 1939. Each show is fresh and will leave you wondering what’s gonna happen next. All you’re sure of is that it will be solid in the groove.

As entertaining as he sounds, Mohney has proven it countless times. At home in CO at venues like Dazzle or the Mercury Cafe, he kills, as well as on his frequent tours which take him and his band all over the US. He recently came out with two digital albums, “Live at the Mercury Cafe” and “KGNU Air Checks”. They’re both available on all major sites, like iTunes/Apple Music and Spotify. Jeremy’s also starting a podcast which will feature he and his band’s playing, his original compositions, guests to play, sing, make us laugh and more.

Inspired by the home of our brewery, Jeremy composed “The Berthoud Bump”: click to listen.
jazz • swing
