• MON 3-8pm, TUE-THU 3-9pm, FRI 3-10pm, SAT 12-10pm, SUN 12-8pm

Upcoming Events

The Boulder Swing Collective

640 675 City Star Brewing

Swing music has taken over my life in the past few years! While my professional musical life has a good amount of swing in it, I still want more. In the past three years, I’ve helped cultivate a pretty happening little swing scene here in Boulder. It started for me by teaming up with Kyle Ussery, with whom I started a weekly swing night at the No Name Bar on the Hill in Boulder. From there, we met some some young cats who are like-minded about swing. We play the old-time stuff, which I consider separate from jazz.  Together we call ourselves the Boulder Swing Collective.

Chris Elliott

960 960 City Star Brewing

Professional Banjoist Chris Elliott (C-Bob) is arguably one of friendliest and finest banjo players on the bluegrass scene, a formidable finger-picking musician. In 2007 he swept the Colorado Bluegrass Competition scene, championing the RockyGrass Banjo Competition,  RockyGrass Band Competition and 2007 Telluride Band Competition. C-Bob plays with local musician Geoff Union and his band Ragged Union. He’s also a former member of the acclaimed Spring Creek Bluegrass Band and Blue Canyon Boys.

Winter Solstice Party

640 675 City Star Brewing

This December 21st, the darkest day of the year, we celebrate the Winter Solstice at City Star Brewing with the release of our darkest beer of the year. Widow Maker is a colossal Imperial Stout, to be released on draft and in bottles alongside coconut and coffee decaf variants. This nod to the Winter Solstice boasts a big, bold and complex flavor profile. Smooth, rich and ready to sip and savor. Not for the faint hearted.

Happenings of this evening include free live music, henna tattoos, night sky telescope viewing with the Little Thompson Observatory, flower crowns, photo booth by Phobia Entertainment, Cirque Kitchen food truck, tarot card readings with Mary D’Agostino, and there will be a limited amount of commemorative glassware available.

The Solstice is a celebration of the return of the Light. It is indeed the twenty four hour period when the day-time or light is shortest and the night is longest, but the very next day is when the daytime starts to become longer! This brings hope and light for better things to come, along with our dreams, and hopes for love and all good things “coming to light”. Bringing out, love, inspiration and joy are always the basis of my readings, with positive insights, blessings and wisdom thrown in for good measure.

We look forward to hosting this second annual event and celebrating the return of the light with good friends, great beer and fun activities. Festivities begin at 6pm with free entry in our downtown Berthoud taproom.

The Jet Set

405 405 City Star Brewing

Bad ass Americana with a splash of sweetheart.

bluegrass • Americana • country • blues

Deliberate Kin

1024 682 City Star Brewing
Deliberate Kin is shaking up their tiny part of the world. Alex and Amanda Jo are a husband and wife duo, traveling full-time as musicians with their two young daughters. Although Alex has been playing guitar for 21 years, he can pick around on nearly any instrument you place in his hands. His style is a bold blend of flat-picking run-away melodies while simultaneously holding down a driving bluegrass bass beat. Amanda Jo started singing and performing at the age of 8 and went on to earn her Fine Arts degree in college. Equal parts charisma and power, her voice and stage presence have been described as mesmerizing. With nearly 50 years of entertainment between the two of them, you are guaranteed a great show! They dare to bring light and joy with them wherever they travel and they’ll gladly share it with you. Their show starts with smiles, builds you up with laughter and leaves you with hope and high-fives. Songs full of emotions, sweet harmonies and warm acoustic tones wash over you. Every story they tell is laced with humor and rings with truth and you can’t help but be encouraged and empowered because of it. Deliberate Kin’s music would be enough, but they go above and beyond to engage the audience in an energetic, uplifting show! Fans have sent messages days later, expressing how the show was exactly what they needed to make it through their week. DK believes that music is a healing art. Every person experiences it differently. They invite you to come as you are and take what you need. There is something for everyone here.
Find their music, merch and adventures on the internets:

King Cardinal

960 960 City Star Brewing

Brennan Mackey and Ben Waligoske of King Cardinal.

folk • http://www.kingcardinal.com/

Sean Flynn

640 675 City Star Brewing

Acoustic folk rooted in soul.

Captain Steve and The Sharkbites

450 450 City Star Brewing

It’s an Acoustic Rock-Singalong with Captain Steve and his many musical friends as they set sail at City Star Brewing. They’ll play decades of familiar classic rock, pop and country with lyrics up on a BIG SCREEN.  Sing along from your table or up front with the band!
