• MON 3-8pm, TUE-THU 3-9pm, FRI 3-10pm, SAT 12-10pm, SUN 12-8pm

Upcoming Events

City Star Brewing Trades Beer for Trash this Earth Day

150 150 City Star Brewing

City Star Brewing is hosting an Adopt YOUR Town campaign this Earth Day. The Berthoud, Colorado brewery is sponsoring this littler clean-up by offering free beer in exchange for a bag of trash. Participants can earn a beer by showing their City Star beer slinger a photo with their bag of trash. Alternatively community members can drop off at City Star’s roll-off dumpster rented just for the campaign. A red City Star tent will be setup with the dumpster, located in the parking lot on the SE corner of 3rd and Mountain Ave. Litter will be traded for free beer coupons at the tent Sunday 4/24 (note: date changed to windy Friday forecast). Families are encouraged to participate with their kids. There will also be root beer on hand at the City Star tent to trade for trash!

Bin There Dump That is an event sponsor. The Northern Colorado company helped make the roll-off dumpster a possibility. City Star asks community members to help make the event a success by not dumping any prohibited items: electronics, appliances, hazardous waste or tires. This isn’t a Town clean-up day accepting any and all trash. The Town of Berthoud will actually be sponsoring a Town Clean-Up Week in May so residents should hold out for that event to schlep old mattresses away. The intention of City Star’s Adopt YOUR Town campaign event is to clean-up litter around the area, not from personal property. Unfortunately after a spring of W-I-N-D there is a lot of roadside litter.

City Star strives, not only on Earth Day but every day, to be earth conscious with their business decisions. They practice this by recapturing brewing water, sending their spent grain to Long Shadow Farm, offering recycling in their taproom, using biodegradable plastic cups when needed, re-using 4-pack holders and sourcing local ingredients. Earth Day is a day to celebrate our planet and recognize what changes we can make to better it. When it comes to environmental stewardship there is always space to improve, but the small town brewery is proud to do its part, recognize what can be improved upon, and work to do more. City Star holds great value in bettering their Berthoud community in all ways and can’t wait to come together to clean up this weekend!

Earth Day Celebration

810 811 City Star Brewing

Join us for a clean-up around Berthoud!Earn your beer by showing your beerslinger a photo with your collected trash and we’ll give you a free beer or non-alcoholic drink. We will be hosting a music showcase with live music all day (2-8:30pm) and be selling limited edition City Star recycled merch items.

Feature musicians include:

The legendary singer/songwriter MR.KEVIN JONES
Singer/songwriter SHELLY RODERICK
Singer/songwriter STEVE MURRAY
Singer/songwriter LLOYD DRUST
And the debut performance of